# of watchers: 36
| D20: 8 |
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Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2007-03-05 [risky]: what v said
2007-03-05 [Fear of the Soul]: .... XPPPP
2007-03-06 [risky]:
2007-03-06 [risky]: The commercial was fucking funny with the t-rex haaaaaaaaaaaah
2007-03-06 [Fear of the Soul]: "I have a big head... and little arms" *flails*
2007-03-06 [risky]: yay!!!
2007-03-06 [Rowan]: "why does your dog have glasses?"
"b/c insurance won't pay for contacts!"
2007-03-06 [Fear of the Soul]: XDDDD
2007-03-06 [Syn's Desire]: um?
2007-03-06 [Rowan]: you have to watch the previews
2007-03-06 [risky]: http://disney.
2007-03-06 [risky]: the t-rex's name is tiny lol
2007-03-06 [Fear of the Soul]: XDDDD my fav is the little arms thing... i can watch that for hours...
2007-03-07 [Syn's Desire]: yepyep!
2007-03-07 [Fear of the Soul]: awesome
2007-03-07 [risky]: ok heres the plan were all gonna get high/drunk and go see meet the robinsons together but since im not allowed to do nething imma be a designated driver for the ride home lol
2007-03-07 [Rowan]: except you dont have a liscense, so its not my ass. but i'll be more than happy to get trashed.
2007-03-07 [Syn's Desire]: i'd like that. sounds good to me....if i can fit it in around my fam's fucked up scheduale thing.
2007-03-07 [risky]: cool did u go to the rehersal last night or are you going next week
2007-03-07 [Syn's Desire]: i'm going next week. i was out with the boys last night having fun and "bowling"
2007-03-07 [risky]: yea i heard
2007-03-07 [risky]: but you didn't invite me??? *tear*
2007-03-07 [Syn's Desire]: no room in th ecar, and you and jon don't really tend to get along......nex
2007-03-07 [risky]: actually weve been doing pretty good with the getting along part seeing as how we sit next to each other in drawring
2007-03-07 [Syn's Desire]: lol. next time, we'll see what we can do.
2007-03-07 [risky]: oh yeah i have to go throw some more pics on ur myspace YAY something to do!!
2007-03-07 [Syn's Desire]: lol. ok then. i need more pics....
2007-03-07 [risky]: sure do
2007-03-07 [risky]: wow u have alot of pics now i just combed through my photobucket which has every pic ive ever taken basically and put all the ones on there u were in u can delete some if u want
2007-03-07 [Syn's Desire]: wow.....
2007-03-08 [Fear of the Soul]: fun fun... i might have a meeting with groves tomorrow, or friday.... *is uber exited* so i'm going to try for choir and/or drawing/cerami
2007-03-08 [risky]: do drawing 5th hour
2007-03-08 [Fear of the Soul]: ill try
2007-03-08 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: and choir...becaus
2007-03-08 [Fear of the Soul]: i need to get into choir.... i love it... its my life... and i'd miss it.... i do...
2007-03-08 [risky]: haha yea right what basses but yea choir is fun
2007-03-08 [Fear of the Soul]: i NEED TO SING!!!... and not songs i already know... blah..
2007-03-08 [risky]: yea omg if you get to groves maybe u can be in the armed man concert!!!
2007-03-08 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: i know...they have gone downhill since the bassists left...BASS POWER!!!
2007-03-08 [risky]: choir is really shit right now compared to how it was freshman year
2007-03-08 [Fear of the Soul]: EEEEEEee that'd be AWESOME!!!
2007-03-08 [risky]: yup yup
2007-03-08 [Fear of the Soul]: W00TNESS!!!!!!
2007-03-08 [Syn's Desire]: you might be able to do the armed man if you learn really fast.....
2007-03-08 [risky]: yea
2007-03-08 [Fear of the Soul]: lol, well one of you should let me borrow the music so i can study XDDDDDDDD
2007-03-08 [risky]: you can borrow my book but i don't know how youd get it
2007-03-08 [Fear of the Soul]: give it to like... ben bargmen, or v, so t can give it to me.... i see them alot...
2007-03-08 [risky]: alrighty
2007-03-08 [Fear of the Soul]: WHEEEEEEEEEEEE *is WAY too exited about this for own good*... maybe i won't get in... maybe i'll have to go to seaholm... or w/e you spell it... ugh...
2007-03-08 [risky]: maybe if you learned all the music and stuff you could still sing newayz
2007-03-08 [risky]: does v's dad know u?
2007-03-08 [Fear of the Soul]: .... he's kinda "with" my mom... so i hope so....
2007-03-09 [risky]: um... ok
2007-03-09 [Syn's Desire]: they are fuck buddies.
and it's seaholm.
2007-03-09 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: lovely way of putting it
2007-03-09 [Syn's Desire]: no, just he truth.
2007-03-09 [Fear of the Soul]: ..... *dies*
2007-03-09 [Syn's Desire]: lol
2007-03-09 [risky]: um...
2007-03-09 [Fear of the Soul]: i wanted to go to groves today... but everyone was busy.... *tear*
2007-03-09 [Syn's Desire]: you can only be there the last and first half hours of th eday anyways....WHE
2007-03-09 [risky]: not if she is somebodys guest like oh heres my cousin whos visiting she had to come with me
2007-03-09 [Syn's Desire]: My sister(kitkat) wasn't allowed in....but i'll see what i can find out.
2007-03-09 [Fear of the Soul]: mom made a phone call today and they haven't called back... and please see if i can visit... i'm gunna try to get people to drive me to see you guys... i miss you...
2007-03-09 [Syn's Desire]: cool.
2007-03-09 [Fear of the Soul]: i guess
2007-03-09 [Syn's Desire]: any of you who were Energy sensitive as of just before last year's prom, I need to talk to you. A concern has come up that needs to be delt with immediatly. by energy sensitive I am reffering only to thse who can attack and defend with it. Please contact me If you are one of these people.
2007-03-10 [Master Of Duct Tape]: hello everyoneeeee! i hate school, have i ever said that before? and i hate newspaper too but you all already knew that for sure..
2007-03-10 [Syn's Desire]: yeha we already know that sam...
2007-03-10 [risky]: blah
2007-03-10 [Syn's Desire]: yeha....
2007-03-10 [Fear of the Soul]: WHEEEEEEEE *spins around aimlessly*
2007-03-10 [risky]: blah
2007-03-10 [Fear of the Soul]: blah?
2007-03-10 [risky]: yes... blah
2007-03-10 [Fear of the Soul]: okey pokey
2007-03-10 [risky]: mhm
2007-03-10 [Fear of the Soul]: so how're you?
2007-03-11 [risky]: wanna kno how i feel now? i feel like i wanna find some random girl and start making out with her... im horny... gah!
2007-03-12 [Rowan]: yea, i have that problem time to time also. also for a girl. marta is the top of the list, but sometimes, its so bad i could care less. gotta work on that self control.
2007-03-12 [risky]: um... well my girl doesn't have to be marta she just has to be hot ^_^
2007-03-12 [Fear of the Soul]: XDDD don't really care... don't want a relationship or get into anything serious right now.... WAY to much drama in my life even with out that!
2007-03-13 [Syn's Desire]: Heh....*is amused*
2007-03-13 [Fear of the Soul]: XPPP
2007-03-13 [risky]: i don't recall ever saying anything about relationships.
2007-03-13 [Fear of the Soul]: never said you did
2007-03-13 [risky]: ahh im so fucking mad now i hate my piece of shit dogs im bout to fucking beat them to death
2007-03-13 [Rowan]: you have dogs?
2007-03-13 [risky]: yes i threw one and the dumbass bled everywhere and i had to clean it up psh... pussy
2007-03-13 [Syn's Desire]: why'd you throw it in the first place?
2007-03-13 [Fear of the Soul]: ummmm.....
2007-03-13 [risky]: sorry i dodn't answer when you texted stetson i was.. uh... tied up at the moment ^_^ (he has seriously been around u too much)
2007-03-13 [Syn's Desire]: My bad. just so long as he know what he's doing! i'll see oyu around 6:10-15 for rehersal.
2007-03-13 [risky]: sure since i have fuckin bruses and knife wounds all over me now... smh...
2007-03-13 [Syn's Desire]: Does he know what he's doing? if you head into the relms of BDSM, you guys NEED to know how to do it safely....i can teach, and Justin's not shabby at it....we're here if you need it....just keep the blades really sharp....
2007-03-13 [risky]: psh it's not like that we started wrestling and he was holding me down and i forgot where tha knife came from...
2007-03-13 [Syn's Desire]: YEah....i bet...*Urolls eyes.* just....be careful, ok? i don't wan tyou two getting hurt becasue one of you makes a rookie mistake, ok?
2007-03-13 [risky]: psh shut up
2007-03-13 [Syn's Desire]: No, seriously, be careful. not careful to the point that you don't play, but careful enough that you don't lose control.
2007-03-13 [risky]: psh
2007-03-13 [Syn's Desire]: *throwsa noodle at* not "sh". but whatever. i'm here if you need me....
2007-03-13 [risky]: pshhhhhhhhhhh.
2007-03-13 [Syn's Desire]: Why?
2007-03-13 [risky]: duh why do you think
2007-03-13 [Syn's Desire]: bite, blades, ties, cuffs....i can think of many reasons why it owould hurt.
2007-03-13 [risky]: stetson said to tell you that he was beating my wrists with his penis... smh...
2007-03-13 [Syn's Desire]: i doubt it....that wouln'd hurt you. a bite would, or a blade, but ties and cuffs shouldn't, not if done right....
2007-03-13 [risky]: he said to tell you that he has a heavy dick
2007-03-13 [Syn's Desire]: even so.....it's not going to hurt you.
2007-03-13 [risky]: he's lame
2007-03-13 [risky]: i told him i have a craving for a girl and he called me homo...
2007-03-13 [Syn's Desire]: lol.
Is happy, i made it a week without anythng but pot!!!!!
2007-03-13 [Master Of Duct Tape]: congrats... i think
2007-03-13 [Syn's Desire]: it's a good thing. trust me.
2007-03-13 [risky]: whats ur number again?
2007-03-13 [Syn's Desire]: 2482280063. we'll be by your house in like 15 min or so to pick you up....
2007-03-13 [risky]: call me 248.703.9730 whan ur on ur way
2007-03-13 [Syn's Desire]: um. i'll be there in like fiftenn, why call?
2007-03-14 [Fear of the Soul]: ummmm.... alrighty....
2007-03-14 [risky]: raise your hand if your not at school...
2007-03-14 [Just A Lost Pixie]: *raises hand*
2007-03-14 [risky]: yay!
2007-03-14 [Just A Lost Pixie]: i never have school wednesdays... i love block scheduling
2007-03-14 [Syn's Desire]: I am at school, but i wasn't this morning....
2007-03-14 [risky]: i know i didn't see you i was mad
2007-03-14 [risky]: when is second hour over?
2007-03-14 [Syn's Desire]: i don't know....I was out with justin....why were you here this morning but not now?!
2007-03-14 [risky]: cause... i'll be back after lunch tho
2007-03-14 [Syn's Desire]: ok then....
2007-03-14 [Fear of the Soul]: *raises hand*
2007-03-16 [risky]: somebody give me drugs... seriously... i'll take anything at this point... if you don't i will kill you and your family
2007-03-16 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: ???
2007-03-16 [risky]: yes... i will kill you and your family too
2007-03-16 [Fear of the Soul]: *hands bennadryl* allergies?
2007-03-16 [risky]: no fuck that i want real drugs
2007-03-16 [Fear of the Soul]: oh... dont have any.... sutafed?
2007-03-16 [risky]: no
2007-03-16 [Fear of the Soul]: oh... okay then...
2007-03-16 [Rowan]: you know, depending on who it is, killing their family may be doing them a favor. i know i'd hit the $$ pretty good if you did that. and then i'd sell the houses. actually, just kill my dad, and i'll use some of the money i get from that to get you some stuff. lol.
2007-03-16 [risky]: shut up and give me some drugs
2007-03-16 [Rowan]: idk what ur mood means but if its that you'll kill everyone, "even the postman" then thats perfect, because my dad IS a postman.
and i have no drugs. sorry.
2007-03-16 [risky]: no if you watched the video you would know that it's the girl who was forgotten by everyone even the postman
2007-03-16 [Rowan]: oh right. well everyone died after that so i'm like half right.
2007-03-16 [risky]: ...ok i guess... you just dont want to be wrong
2007-03-17 [Rowan]: no. i dont. but that was an easy one.
oh, you missed out. you now sit on the end of the table and CJ sits where you do in drawing. and he was falling asleep so someone had a spray bottle and sprayed him and he seriously thought it was raining.
2007-03-17 [risky]: great now at least i'll have somebody to take my anger out on on monday
2007-03-17 [risky]: pshhh...
now my moms talkin bout sendin me to juvie/jail or whatever?
that pussy knows she would never do it what a fuckin bitch
even if she did i would learn some new shit and come out lookin for her ass and eveyone else whose fucked me over ;)
2007-03-18 [Rowan]: did i ever mention i think you're a cool person? lol. but in all seriousness, you are, except for the lack of judgement for certain things. but i guess i can't blame you. shit happens, and so does life, so i guess life = shit.
2007-03-18 [Fear of the Soul]: wheeeeeee.... am i a person your gunna kill?
2007-03-18 [risky]: no why would i kill you?
2007-03-18 [Syn's Desire]: i can get my hands on drugs i think shannyn....
2007-03-18 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: geez...
2007-03-18 [risky]: really???
2007-03-19 [Fear of the Soul]: wheeeee!!!!
2007-03-19 [risky]: ooooooook...
2007-03-19 [Syn's Desire]: i think so....
2007-03-19 [Syn's Desire]: HEY PEOPLE! I LOVE JUSTIN!!!!!!
pay it no mind, i'm playhing a game and i'm putting a bunch of random things out there....
2007-03-19 [risky]: ok...
2007-03-19 [Syn's Desire]: yeha....pay it no mind....
2007-03-19 [risky]: ok...
2007-03-20 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: sounds like fun
2007-03-20 [Fear of the Soul]: umm.... alrighty...
2007-03-20 [Syn's Desire]: yeha, pay me no m,ind this time....i'm bored as hell.
2007-03-20 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: ok
2007-03-20 [Fear of the Soul]: wheeeeeeee... my meeting with Oxford starts at 1... so... nervous...
2007-03-20 [Syn's Desire]: oxford? why?
2007-03-21 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: cause she is going to go there.
2007-03-21 [Nytefox]: Oxford? Where the hell is that?
2007-03-21 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: in berkley
2007-03-21 [Fear of the Soul]: they accepted me!!!!!
2007-03-21 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: good
2007-03-21 [Fear of the Soul]: *dances around*
2007-03-21 [risky]: oxford is stupid
2007-03-21 [Fear of the Soul]: i know.... but it's the only school that will take me...
2007-03-21 [Syn's Desire]: ok then....
2007-03-21 [risky]: yea i was gonna ask why didn't you just go there before but i forgot
2007-03-21 [Fear of the Soul]: yeah
2007-03-22 [Syn's Desire]: i've never heard of it....
2007-03-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: it's in berkley right off 11 mile and...oakshire i think. it's really small, and you wouldn't even look at it twice, but they have a designated smoking area, where they smoke more then just cigarettes. classes are pretty easy (even boring) there.
2007-03-22 [Fear of the Soul]: yeah... everyone else is taking 4 classes, while I'm taking 5... cuz of my old schedule at bhs had 7 classes instead of just 4.... I'm taking 2 of my classes in a computer lab cuz they don't have it at the school for a teacher to teach you...
2007-03-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: sounds like fun shit
2007-03-22 [Fear of the Soul]: not really... mom doesnt want me making friends with juvenile delinquents... they're just my "inmates" and I wont ever see them again....
2007-03-22 [Nytefox]: If this ever happened to me, you wouldnt have seen me alive this far after, nor would I think you would see me at all.
2007-03-22 [Rowan]: shit, if i ended up getting sent to a school like that i would just get in fights all the time because i could get away with it
2007-03-22 [Fear of the Soul]: I'm just going to sit in the corner and do my work and be a star student that no ones notices....
2007-03-22 [Syn's Desire]: Sound s liek a place to have fun to me! When you make any freinds, lemme know! i wanna come visit! when you start classes?
2007-03-22 [risky]: oxford... fun??? haha
2007-03-22 [Syn's Desire]: better then seaholm.
2007-03-22 [risky]: not really
2007-03-22 [Syn's Desire]: ok. i wouldn't know, but from that definition, i'd think it was better then prep school.
2007-03-22 [Fear of the Soul]: heh..... I start April 2nd...
2007-03-23 [Syn's Desire]: cool you looking forward to it?
2007-03-23 [Fear of the Soul]: I can't wait till school starts... I miss it so much.... V.... they don't even have a choir there.... *wails*
2007-03-23 [Syn's Desire]: Are you kidding me?1 what kind of a school doesn't even have achoir?!
2007-03-23 [Fear of the Soul]: you're asking me??? I have no idea.... but I will die with no choir...
2007-03-23 [Nytefox]: think about it tho: from the sounds of it, no one seems really commited to anything... "productive"..
2007-03-23 [Syn's Desire]: becasue they can ge the kids out of the school on schoolerships to collages for liberal arts degrees if they have a choir background.
2007-03-23 [Fear of the Soul]: no arts classes either...
2007-03-23 [Syn's Desire]: wow...so what DO they have as electives?
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